Monday, April 13, 2015

Shocked !!!

The numbers on the clock shows 11:30 a.m. Being it like any other Sunday , I slowly get out of bed thinking of how I should spend the rest of the day . I stand up slowly to get my balance first before taking my first step . My feet feels as if they weighed a tonne , dragging heavily as I am walking towards the kitchen to make breakfast .

Suddenly , the phone shrills " Ring ! Ring ! " As I am still half asleep and my eyes can barely open , the loud ringing scared the living daylights out of me ! My heart is beating so fast that it suddenly made me alert and awake . I rushed to answer my mobile phone . " Hello ? " the husky voice from the other side said . I replied with a friendly " Hello " back , still feeling a little disoriented . I asked breathlessly the person on the line who she was , but she just ignored my query . 

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